︎Jay Ho

Based in London and Singapore, Jay Ho (b.1997) graduated with Diploma with distinction in Fine Art from Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts in 2017 and is graduating at the University of East London in 2024. He will be pursuing an M.F.A. in Painting/Drawing at HFBK Hamburg for the class of 2026.

Jay’s work currently takes the form of paintings, sculptures, prints and film. He is interested in the scale of life, addressing observable natural phenomena, and philosophical inquiries into mankind and nature, such as concepts of freedom and the unknown. Acting as a facilitator, his making process doubles up as a deeper manifestation of spiritual inquiry in his identity.

Recently he has been thinking about his privilege within his extended family, most of them who live and work in primary and secondary industries in rural Thailand. His latest body of works continues his interest in the use of industrial and hardware materials, combining them with cinematic media and the candor of found and improvised arrangements.

Jay has also co-founded an artist collective Paradise Now, an experimental multidisciplinary project grounded on their friendships and personal stories, where they are involved in collaborative multimedia works.

All photography, unless otherwise stated, are taken by the artist.

©2023 Jay Ho. All rights reserved.